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Senior Software Architect - Real-time Diagnostics & Analysis (f/m/x)

Unternehmen : ZEISS

Ort : Oberkochen, Baden-Wrttemberg

Erstellt : 2024-09-07

Art des Jobs: Vollzeit


Sich etwas Neues trauen, ber sich hinauswachsen und dabei die Grenzen des Machbaren neu definieren. Genau das ist es, was unsere Mitarbeitenden tglich leben drfen und sollen. Um mit unseren Innovationen das Tempo vorzugeben und Groartiges zu ermglichen. Denn hinter jedem erfolgreichen Unternehmen stehen eine ganze Menge faszinierender Menschen.Die Mitarbeitenden von ZEISS arbeiten in einem offenen und modernen Umfeld mit zahlreichen Entwicklungs- und Weiterbildungsmglichkeiten. Unsere Kultur ist geprgt von Expertenwissen und Teamgeist. All das wird getragen durch die besondere Eigentmerstruktur und das langfristige Ziel der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung: Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gemeinsam voranzubringen.Heute wagen. Morgen begeistern.Vielfalt ist ein Teil von ZEISS. Wir freuen uns unabhngig von Geschlecht, Nationalitt, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identitt auf Ihre Bewerbung.Jetzt bewerben! In weniger als 10 Minuten.Step out of your comfort zone, excel and redefine the limits of what is possible. That''s just what our employees are doing every single day in order to set the pace through our innovations and enable outstanding achievements. After all, behind every successful company are many great fascinating people. In a spacious modern setting full of opportunities for further development, ZEISS employees work in a place where expert knowledge and team spirit reign supreme. All of this is supported by a special ownership structure and the long-term goal of the Carl Zeiss Foundation: to bring science and society into the future together. Join us today. Inspire people tomorrow. Work on the best and only high-end semiconductor lithography system in the world. Diversity is a part of ZEISS. We look forward to receiving your application regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, philosophy of life, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity. Apply now! It takes less than 10 minutes. defining the software architecture for next generations of lithography systems you shape the digital future of ZEISS in the Semiconductor Manufacturing finding the best solutions for the pre- and post-processing of diagnostics data in software structure, technology stack and development tools and considering limitations such as hardware, legacy and performance requirements. This might include AI or classical solutions and hardware support and deals with massive amounts of data analysing system requirements, agreeing on technical requirements and proposing and deciding options with the team - communicating with internal and external stakeholders like system designers, software developers, PO''s and electronics teams guiding the team members to use the best code standards, compilation pipelines, with efficient/automated builds, testing and deployment you have proven experience as software architect or developer in the application of state-of-the-art solutions for machine data management and analysis you can use UML, design patterns and other methods and approaches (like SysML, C4 model, OPM, etc. with tools like Enterprise Architect) to describe and agree software system design you know C and C++ and build systems like Azure Dev Ops Pipelines and Git to find the best overall solution you have developed real-time and non-real-time data management solutions on both Linux and bare metal implementations, optionally with ML processing (hardware) you can communicate clearly, precisely and with empathy and have a passion to successfully solve complex challenges independently and in a team good English and optionally German language